Katt Williams goes off

Episode 118 January 12, 2024 01:03:48
Katt Williams goes off
Slack isTalk
Katt Williams goes off

Jan 12 2024 | 01:03:48


Hosted By

jason slack

Show Notes

Katt Williams goes off on Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer, Faison Love and others.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: And now it's the time you've been waiting for. You're in the mix with film producer Jason Slack, aka the Talk of the town. Now, the 40 Vision films Man himself, the owner of the Jason Slack brand. The place to be is here on the Vision Live network. And now, let's get it in. Welcome to the Slack and Talk podcast. Welcome to the Slackest Talk podcast, aka the Talk of the town. Now I'm your host, film producer Jason Slack, and this is season number four. And on today's show, we got an episode you do not want to miss. So without a doubt, let's get it in. [00:00:50] Speaker B: Welcome to the Vision Live Network. You are now tuned in to the Slack is Talk podcast hosted by film producer Jason Slack and presented by the Vision Live Network. The Vision Live Network is the home of a number of today's popular podcast. Since you are already a fan, you might as well subscribe. Visit www.visionlivenetwork.com, go to the Slackest Talk podcast, then click the subscribe button. That's it. It's that simple. The show will be delivered to your device every time there is a new episode. Now you can hear all the talk from the 40 Vision man himself. Thanks for tuning in to the Vision Live network where you can experience our vision live. 40 Vision Films and Godstar Productions are two proud sponsors of the Vision Live network, working together to bring us the best listening experience possible. 40 Vision Films and Godstar Productions, two marquee names in our industry today. For more information, visit fortyvisionfilms.com. [00:01:50] Speaker A: And welcome to another epic edition of the Talk of the town. Now, today is Thursday, January 11, and this is our second show in 2024. As always, man, it is a blessing to be here, man. Another great, wonderful show. Another good episode. I'm glad to be in the mix as always, man. I want to tell y'all, man, y'all could have been anywhere in the world but y'all right here with me. I appreciate that. Today's show is sponsored by FCM. That's the clothing line forever chasing money. FCM, the clothing line is specializing right now in t shirts and hoodies. Get yours in all different types of colors, and more importantly, they're designed for both men and women. It's that time of the year where it is getting cold outside and you could use a nice hoodie. So go to Instagram and check out FCM and put in your order today. This week's quote of the week was inspired by none other than me, your boy, the talk of the town now, and my quote is, ownership is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world. And I came up with that quote, man. You all know how I feel about ownership, man. Ownership is everything, man. It gives you freedom. You come up with an idea. Nobody knows better about that idea and that plan better than yourself. You know what I'm saying? It's better to be an owner. It's better to have input, creative control, and everything that you do, man. It's the best way. If things don't work out or if they do work out, you can go to sleep at night knowing that whatever happened is because of you and not somebody else. And aside from that, you have the power to give other people opportunities and to create jobs and situations for others. And there's no better feeling than that. So that's my slackest talk. Tuesday quote of the week in the month of January. We only celebrating two birthdays this month, and both of them are well deserved. We want to say happy birthday to my girl tiara. She's the only one that's representing the vision for kids organization this month, and it's well deserved. As we said last week, we are proud of you. We watch you grow from day one and just keep doing what you're doing. We love you. And also, I want to give a special birthday shout out to my barber, Ty. You know what I'm saying? He's been with me since day one. And quick story, man, quick story. Like, I moved to the south and I met him by chance, you know what I know who he was. You know what I'm saying? He was just available at the time. Loved his work, you know what I'm saying? Stayed with him when I met him. He was working for somebody. Then he told me, yo, I'm opening up my own shop, man. I want you to stay with me. I did, you know what I'm saying? We went there after that, you know what I'm saying? He was there for a couple of years. He moved again to another place, and I moved to that spot, you know what I'm saying? So it's just a lifetime situation. A quick little story about how things come together by chance, opportunities, by chance, encounters. And happy birthday, man. Keep doing your thing and proud of you, man. Making moves, ownership, you know what I'm saying? Man owned his own shop now, you know what I mean? Started from the bottom, now he here. Happy birthday to my man ty, man. And we on season number four here. We've been doing this for three plus years now, and we got a lot of history, man. We got a lot of history to the point where we can now do this month in history, you know what I'm saying? The month of January, things that happened that's dear to our life in this month that happened in the past, we want to pay homage to it. And for me, dream elite, you know what I'm saying? In this month, we won our knife championship. And for me, that was special because not only did I get a chance to share with my boys, man, my team, my squad, but I knew at that moment that I was closing in on double digit championships, you know what I'm saying? Double digits, you know what I'm saying? I was closing in on number ten, you know what I'm saying? So that was dear to me, you know what I'm saying? Definitely. Good memories, man. Good memories. Every time I look at the championships, nothing but memories. And as you know, a lot of my guys are in college now, and they continuing to do their thing, and I can't wait to see them in the league. Also. Slackest talk anniversary this month on New Year's Day, you know what I'm saying? January 1, that's when we first got started. So we celebrating that, you know how I feel about that. We talk each and every day, each and every episode. I do, man, is a reminder of that first episode. First episode, excuse me, of when it first got started, you know what I mean? Big difference from then to now, you know what I'm saying? We got so much to talk about, so much content, so much other things going on, and it's all good, man. It's all good. Slaggish talk. Anniversary in dream elite knife champion this month in history, baby. Now getting into the news portion of this week's show, first and foremost man in the sports world, I want to say congratulations to the Michigan Wolverines, who earlier this week won the national championship. And from what I understand, that was their first championship, man, in a long time, man. I did not know that. You know what I'm saying? Michigan always been a powerhouse school. Regardless of whether they win the big bowl game or national championship or not. That's a program that's always like something to deal with. They always, in the conversation, always, you know what I'm saying? In football and basketball, you know what I'm saying? It's not too many colleges out there. That's two way. When I say two way, I mean like football and basketball. Usually it's like you're either or, you know what I'm saying? But Michigan is like a two way powerhouse, man. Like football and basketball every year. You know what I'm saying? They got to be accounted for. Congratulations to Jim Harbaugh, you know what I mean, for winning that national title. Rumor has it he might be headed back to the National Football League with his brother, you know what I'm saying? Only time will tell. And while we're on the subject of the NFL this week, the playoffs start for the first time in some years, man, we got the Detroit Lions representing, man. So Detroit is doing it first. Michigan wins the national title, and now Detroit clinches a playoff berth. You know what I mean? So Detroit is doing big things. But shout out to everybody that got, everybody that got a football team that's in the playoffs. That's something. As a jet fan, that's something I haven't been able to say in about 1314 years, to be honest with you. I got the longest streak of not making the playoffs, I think, in all the sports. So, I mean, I got to wear that aid, you know what I'm saying? I wear it proudly. So, yeah, congratulations to everybody that got a team in the playoffs. I can't wait to see what happens. Tune in over at the sports court network for some coverage of the playoffs and everything dealing with sports. And this is a good all around time, man. A good all around time. Go out and place your bets for the NBA all star voting that's happening right now. WWE Roy Rumble's coming up later this month. You got CM punk back. So it's a good time to be a sports fan, man. A lot happening this month, you know what I mean? So shout out to everybody in the sports world that's doing a thing now. You know how we do it. We took care of our business first. Now we can get to the fun part, man. We can get to our actual episode. And today's episode, man, it's about a talented brother, man, a talented comedian. This dude is always funny. His stand up is funny. He put that work in legend, you know what I'm saying? Absolute legend, hall of Famer. And we go get into all that, all his accolades, all his movies, all his stand up. But right now, man, we hear and we talking about him because this dude has went in on the entire comedian industry. And I mean, he went off and I know y'all know who I'm talking about by now. It's none other than Kat Williams. So just in case you've been living under a rock and you haven't seen or you haven't heard Kat Williams recently went on, you know, hosted by Shannon Sharp. Good show, man. Good show. I like that show. Like I said, you have to be a fan of what you do. He has a lot of good people on there. He had my boy Tommy Davidson on there, you know what I'm saying? Who's a part of the slackest talk question of the week this week, you know what I'm saying? Coming up to, at first, I listened to bits and pieces of it, how they put out clips and stuff, and I said I had to go and listen to the whole entire interview, man, to get an understanding. And, man, the floodgates are open. The floodgates are open. First off, man, I was blown away, like, so much stuff I didn't know. So one of the things that was said, and we go try to get into all of them, Cat mentioned that he had an opportunity to be one of the kings of comedy. The kings of comedy and the kings of comedy came out in 98, 99. And this is an example of how even if you in the industry, even if you follow the industry, even if you're the biggest fan, you study your craft. There's always something that you don't know. There's always like some knowledge to be had to be gained out of the situation. So kings of comedy came out in 98, 99. I did not know Cat Williams was even around at that time. That went over my head. The first time that I saw Kat Williams was Friday after. Next. To my knowledge, you know what I'm saying? To my knowledge now, being a fan and being in this industry, I do know and understand that the very first time that you do see somebody, so it could be like an actor or comedian, the first time you see them on the big stage or whatever, that's not actually the first thing that they ever did, you know what I'm saying? It was a lot of hard work and a lot of grinding before that, that took place before that. For them to get the opportunity for you to see them for the first time, you get what I'm saying? I do know that. You know what I'm saying? So I'm not naive enough to think that was the first Friday after next was the first thing that he ever did. So I knew that, but I didn't know that he was around in 98 to be considered one of the kings of comedy, you know what I'm saying? That do me for a loop. I didn't even know or wasn't even aware of the fact that he knew Cedric the entertainer. And, you know, I didn't know that they were in the circle like that. You know what I'm saying? I had no idea. And he stated that he was offered to be one of the kings of comedy. And if I remember correctly, like, he wasn't the first choice. He had mentioned that there was a situation with Bernie Mac where Steve Harvey and know wasn't treating Bernie Mac right, and there was some fiction. Everybody thought they had one up on Bernie. And then overall, in general, there was just like, a lot of friction, like backstage and behind the scenes and stuff like that. Now, I will say this. I will say this out of, like, most of the stuff that he said, that kat actually said makes a lot of sense. But one thing that I could personally really vouch for to say I knew, I really know firsthand, is the rumor about the friction between Bernie Mac and Cedric and Steve Harvey. The reason why I could vouch for that way, this was years ago, way before this cat Williams interview, like, back when, of course, when Bernie was still living, rest in peace, as we all know, the kings of comedy took off. That was a big hit. That was like, one of the biggest things that ever came out that year. And, I mean, it took off. And when it did, it just propelled all of their careers. Like, Steve Harvey went on to have shows on the big screen. He had his own show. He had his own radio show. As you know, he host Family feud. Cedric went on to do plenty of movies. He had his own tv shows, and he's still rocking his shows today and stuff like that. DL Hughley, he has a radio show. As I mentioned, he played in the brothers, and he played in a couple of things, and it just propelled everybody to another level. Now, one of the things that I saw was it took Bernie Mac a minute after the success. It seemed like he was the only one that didn't have his own show afterwards or his own radio station or whatever, you know what I'm saying? And I was kind of, like, wondering why at the now, you know, listening to cat, it makes sense. It makes a lot of sense. And before we get into the know, regarding the Steve Harvey, Cedric the entertainer and Bernie Mac situation, I listened to the Steve Harvey show from time to know because I'd be out that morning. And he had know. He didn't go into detail or anything like that, but he had mentioned or alluded to something went down with Bernie. You know what, saying, like, it wasn't really nothing negative, but he was just saying, like, how Bernie went another way. And you could tell from his comments, I forget exactly how he worded it, but you could tell from his comments that there was something there. Like something went, know, it was just like Steve Harvey and said they remain cool. DL Hughley also to a certain extent. And then it was like Bernie was kind of like, on his, like, you know what saying, like, you could sense, could, you could get a feel for that. Like, I've seen that back then. But Kat Williams said, you know, he saw the treatment of what they tried to do to Bernie and they tried to recruit know to be one of the kings, and he said no after what he saw them do, the cat, which is respectful, you know what I mean? I wasn't the first option. You're only doing this because you got heat or friction with this man. You know what I'm saying? It makes a lot of sense. Like, you're not really doing it out of your kindness of your heart or that's how you feel. You know what I'm saying? You're doing it because it's a situation and I don't want to be the guy to spite him, you know what I'm saying? I ain't got nothing to do with that. So I understood that. And it's a whole lot regarding that topic, and I haven't seen the kings of comedy in so long, man. This interview got me wanting to go back and watch it now because allegedly, the whole thing about Bernie and them was Bernie Mac was still in the show, you know what I'm saying? It was supposed to be Steve Harvey's tour. When it's your tour, you're the main attraction. You know what I'm saying? You're supposed to be the guy that everybody came to see, so you can't really have somebody outshining you or taking the spotlight, you know what I'm saying? Or you don't want everybody to leave, like, not talking about you, you don't want anybody to talk about somebody else. You know what I'm saying? I get it. At the same time, Cat Williams said, that's not how comedy works, which is true. You know what I'm saying? Which is true. Comedy can't be. I agree with cat 100% on this. Like, comedy can't be. It can't be fixed. It can't be, like, swayed. You know what I'm saying? It can't be tainted or slanted. It's like whatever the crowd likes, man. You know what I'm saying? If the crowd is feeling a certain guy and he doing his thing, he doing his thing, you know what I'm saying? It is what it is. It is what it is. It goes back to what I said plenty of times on my show. Competition has to be in it. You have to compete. But not to a point where you stopping the money. You know what I'm saying? You stopping the money or you're trying to take away from somebody's career, or to a point where you're trying to stop people from being able to feed their families and stuff like that. You know what I mean? Instead of battling for the spotlight, it'll make you look good. Because when Bernie Mac blows up, the first impression everybody's going to remember of Bernie Mac is when he was on tour with you. You know what I'm saying? That makes you look good. That puts you in another stratosphere. You know what? Talented. Because of that, any talented comedian that ever wants to come up and get a start in the game, they're going to look at you and say, yo, you the guy that started Bernie Mac, man. Look at what Bernie Mac is doing now. I want to be with a guy like that. You know what I'm saying? I want to be under, you know what I mean? Like somebody like that, that gives a chance. And you don't care if you blow up, if I blow up more than you or if I'm funnier than you. There's no funny business. You straight up want to see me win. That's the type of people that you want. You know what I'm saying? You want them to be attracted to you, you know what I'm saying? Because you want that business, you want that look. And it's just a whole bunch of stuff, man. He was saying Bernie Mac played in the movie. I believe it was oceans. I think it was Ocean Eleven, if I'm not mistaken. I seen one or two of those. I think it's like three or four, like ocean joints, if I'm not mistaken. I have to do my research on that. But anyway, I know Bernie Mac was in one of them and cat came out and said that Steve Harvey called and tried to get the company that did the production on Ocean Eleven. He wanted that production company to replace Bernie with him. And I'm like, wow. You know what I'm saying? I'm like, that's crazy if he did that. Now to me, you know what I'm saying? Not nothing against Cat Williams, but I just can't see, like Steve Harvey and Ocean Eleven, man. It don't fit. Unless Steve Harvey had so much hate in him toward Bernie that he just wanted to take the spot. But I can't see Steve Harvey in Ocean Eleven, man. It's not a fit. It don't mix. I don't see Steve Harvey as that kind of actor playing that kind of role. Not saying that he can't switch up, but I have never seen him in nothing like just it's not a fit, man. I can't see that one. But let's take a quick commercial break and let's get into the slack and social segment part of our show. And then when we get back, we will get into some more cat Williams, it's a slackest talk. Stay right here. What's up? What's good? Slackest talk community. I'm here with another slackest talk question of the week. And this week's question is, who is your favorite comedian? And the nominees are, of course, man, it has to be like deemed after the show, after today's episode, Kat Williams, Bill Bellamy, Bernie Mac or Tommy Davidson now off top, man. You know I'm saying? Right out the gate, right away, before I even get into my answer, man, you're talking about four talented brothers, man. Like, not only comedians, but I can say like four great actors, you know what I'm saying? It's not too many things that, you know what I mean? I can't name a bad movie that out of the four neither one of them was in, all of them were good, man. All of them are hilarious, man. You talk about multitalented. You talk about people that do stand up, people that act, you know what I'm saying? Like people that write Bill Bellamy is my know from how to be a player, you know what I'm saying? He did his thing. The brothers, as you know, you've been listening to the show. Cat Williams is the hottest right now, you know what I'm saying? After his appearance on Club Shayshe, you know what I'm saying? Shannon ShAW and in the comments that we made, you listening to the show, we talking about that as we, you know, Friday after next, this talented, hilarious man stand up like second to none. Bernie Mac, a legend, rest in peace. You talking about the original Friday. You're talking about my man, pop above the rim, you know what I'm saying? He's another one that whatever movie he in, regardless of whether he's the headline or not, he steals the show. House party three. He stole the show, you know what I'm saying? With Ronaldo Ray, I'm talking about like this stealing the show, man. You know what I'm saying? And you got my man Tommy Davidson and woo, living color, none but a list comedians came out off of that show, you know what I'm saying? Everybody that came off of that show is like a one comedian, a one. This is an a one star all around. But when it comes down to it, man, slackest talk, man, I keep it real. It's not just about who the hottest right now. It's like, who makes me laugh, you know what I'm saying? The comedian that makes me laugh the most. And this week it's my man, Tommy Davidson, man. That dude is just hilarious, you know what I'm saying? I know a lot of people go say Bernie Mac or probably, and you can't take away from neither one of them, you know what I mean? But woo, booty call, you know what I'm saying? The limit color of the skits was just hilarious, man. So for me, it's my man, Tommy Davidson, you know what I'm saying? Who also was on club Shay. Shay with Shannon Shaw, you know what I'm saying? Before Cat Williams, you know what I mean? So on this question, man, I'll go with my boy, man. None other than Tommy Davidson on this one. And for the versus battle, well, I'm going to keep it real. I did an episode on this one before, but y'all wanted to hear it again. Y'all wanted to see it on a versus battle. I don't think this is a question that we posed to social media, you know what I'm saying? I did an episode, but we didn't put it out there to the social media. So here it is again. You know what I'm saying? This week's versus battle is album versus album. Classic album versus classic album. We got Dr. Dre is the chronic versus Snoop Dogg's doggy style. Now, both are legends. Dr. Dre, hall of Fame producer. Snoop will be a hall of fame rapper. Both do acting. Both are damn near billionaires doing their thing. Legends in the game. Both on the same record label, man. Both of these albums are produced by the same person, Dr. Dre. You know what I mean? That's how close to the vested is. But to get right to it, I picked Dr. Dre as the chronic and both albums were produced by him. But what did it for me as far as it being the Chronic? You're talking about a classic album, you know what I'm saying? Dr. Dre was just coming from NWA, and he had all the death row on there, the dog pound, snoop. When the chronic came out, people forget like Snoop and all those guys, they weren't known yet, you know what I'm saying? There was no names, you know what I mean? There was a bunch of no name people at the know. Eventually, all of them went on to become superstars. But during the making of that album, they were all newcomers, you know what I'm saying? And Dr. Dre being known as a producer, he's not known for being a rapper, you know what I'm saying? It became a classic album, you know what I'm saying? Your first solo album, your first time leaving NWA new label, you know what I'm saying? A bunch of new artists, and you produce a classic. I got to go with the Chronic on that one. I got to go with the Chronic. Doggy style is dope, too, but all them dudes were stars. They were known, you know what I'm saying? Everybody knew that album was going to be a hit. Everybody knew that. But Dre took a chance, man. He took a chance and did it deliver, man. I gotta go with the Chronic on that one. If you are a musician, dj, podcaster, radio host, or you do anything dealing with an audio platform, check out a company called Sonar. They specialize in musical WordPress themes and services. If you are looking for a good mp3 audio player for your radio station or something to showcase selling your music online, Sonar is right for you. They have hundreds of professional templates for you to choose from and to give you the look you're looking for. Visit Sonal IO. That's S-O-N-A-R IO, and set yourself apart from the competition. He basically called Steve Harvey, Cedric the entertainer, and Ricky Smiley a group. And he accused them, first of all, he said they're not funny. He accused them of stealing some material from them. He accused them from doing a lot of backstage politicking, trying to get people out of roles and things of that nature. And, I mean, it's just a whole lot, a whole lot to uncover. And Ricky Smiley was also in Friday after next. And one of the biggest things, guess, you know, I didn't hear this, but I guess Ricky Smiley was telling people that he was supposed to play the pimp or something to that effect. Ricky Smiley was supposed to actually be the pimp, and Cat Williams was supposed to be Santa Claus. And man, oh, man, why did he do that? Cat Williams went off. Cat Williams basically said that whole character was written by him. He made the clothes, he did the hairstyle. He was just saying that money Mike character, that whole character, that whole creation was Kat Williams. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's something else that I did not know, you know what I'm saying? I assume know Ice Cube or somebody from his know, created that idea through and shout out to Ice Cube, man. Ice Cube confirmed it. Ice Cube confirmed it that Cat Williams did indeed write that character. And if he did, there was no way Ricky Smiley could know read the script for it because Kat Williams did that. That kind of thing based off of know. Ice Cube even extended Cat Williams the invitation to write the new Friday that's supposed to come out. That's something else that I learned, and I want to get back into that one, the new Friday. I want to touch base with that one. Kat mentioned the fact that money Mike was actually supposed to know. He was actually supposed to get raped in the bathroom. Now, you saw the movie, so that's definitely believable. And again, Ice Cube confirmed that, you know what I'm saying? Confirmed that story. And Cat Williams was dead on with that. He was spot on with that. And I give him nothing but props. I got to tell this story because this story is amazing. So, basically, Friday after next was Cat Williams first movie. You know what I'm saying? It was his first joint, and there were 200 people that auditioned for the role in front of him. He was the one that landed it, you know what I'm saying? And that's an o to his talent. You know what I'm saying? That's a testament to his talent. 200 people, and he got the role. So your first movie, you're not out there like that. You don't have no say, so. You don't have no pull. He had the audacity, you know what I'm saying? He had the wherewithal to go to Cube and say, yo, listen, this is a comedy, man. This movie is supposed to be meant to make people laugh. This is a third part of a series that's full with making people laugh, and that's the image that everybody have of the franchise called Friday. You know what I'm saying? It's comedy. It's laughter, it's enjoyment. And there's no enjoyment in somebody getting raped, you know what I'm saying? It doesn't fit the movie. You know what I'm saying? It doesn't fit the movie. And I'm surprised that they would actually try to have that in there. It just don't fit. But shout out to Kat Williams for saying something and taking that chance, you know what I'm saying? Because they could have easily shot him down, like, nah, get out of here. Matter of fact, we'll get a role to somebody else and there's a chance that you wouldn't even know Kat Williams as we know him today, you know what I'm saying? It's funny how things work out, you know what I'm saying? To all of the great people out there, there's some kind of story like this, you know what I'm saying? It's funny how things work out. But shout out to him, man, for saying what's right, sticking to his guns, you know what I'm saying? Regardless of what his power was, you know what I'm saying, what say. So he had, he spoke up for what he believed in and things went for the better, you know what I'm saying? That was definitely the right call. That was definitely the right call because nothing like that happened in any of the other Fridays, you know what I'm saying? So, like, why this one, you know what mean? And plus, like, it just don't fit. Shout out. Shout out to he gave Kat Williams gave DL Hughley his props, you know what I'm saying? He was just going in, he had actual proof that he had did a joke early in his career. And it was one of his best jokes, you know what I'm saying? And it caught on to, I think it was comic view. I think comic view actually used it as a commercial. That's how good the joke was. And I didn't know this either. And I actually have to go back and have to look at this. I want to check this one out just to confirm. But he know it was a joke from his earlier years. And it was so good that comic view picked it up and used it as part of the commercial. And it was said that Cedric the entertainer could be seen doing that same joke on the kings of comedy. And if that's true, like I said, I'm going to check it out. And it's word out of Cat's mouth that Cedric and all them apologized to him for it. So they actually admitted it, you know what saying? But again, like, that's just an old to his talent to be like new and not be out there like that yet. And to have somebody like Cedric who's in the business and well, like even want to think about taking your material, you know what I'm saying? That's a testament, you know what I'm saying? You on the big things, you're onto something great, you know what I'm saying? That tells you the story right then and there of what you on your way to becoming. And it's like for me these last two months, of course, diddy name got mentioned again these last two, three months, man, a lot of stuff has really been taking shape. A lot of stuff have been coming out. At first, I was on the fence, like, man, certain things can't be true, but it's like when you keep hearing the same things, you know what I'm saying? You keep hearing it. And one of my favorite sayings is when there's smoke, it's fire, you keep hearing the same things about certain people, man. There got to be some truth to it, man, you know what I mean? And it's just like, man, a lot of stuff, like, it's hard to believe, it's hard to accept, you know what I mean? And the way I go about it as far as like, comedians, man, I always like to say, and I'm going to do a show on this, too, a definite episode is definitely coming out of this topic right here. All people are not equal. You understand what I'm saying? All people are not equal. And what I mean by that is comedians are not the same, you know what I'm saying? They have the same job of getting people to laugh and want to be funny, but they're not alike. And I want you all to get back to me, you know what I'm saying, by way of email or social media or however, and let me know if you feel the same way. But I don't view all comedians in the same light, even though it's all mean, it's all being funny. I don't view it as the know, regardless of how you feel about them, you can't put Steve Harvey and Kat Williams in the same breath in the same category because it's two different styles. Like Steve Harvey and Cedric is like, they more family, more kids, stuff like the tv shows and stuff like that. You go to see like Kat and Dave Chappelle, they going in, man, like cursing, and you can't. Steve Harvey is know, you could bring your kid to that, you know what I'm saying? He may say something every now and then, maybe, but you know what saying, like, it's not the, you know, Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, they old school, you know what I'm saying? My man pops, rest in peace, you know what I'm saying? Before he passed away, he was still doing stand up. I got an opportunity to see him. He did his thing and he catered to the older crowd, you know what I'm saying? He alluded a lot to his movies and stuff like that, and he did his thing even though it's all comedy, they all comedians, it's different genres inside of comedy, you know what I'm saying? They all not the same. Like, they all can't compete against each other because it's different. It's like in basketball, I don't like comparing a point guard to a big, you know what I'm saying? They play two different positions. It's basketball, but they play two different positions. You can't compare them. They both have different purposes, man. And I gotta say, man, either. It's either two things here, man. Either Cat Williams is telling the truth, or Cat Williams gotta be one of the craziest dudes in the world, man, because there were so many people, and not even people, man, other comedians, that's in the same, you know what I'm saying? That's in the same industry as him. There were so many other comedians that caught strays in this interview, you know what I'm saying? That it's crazy, man. Like, Kevin Hart caught astray. Fajon love caught one. Martin Lawrence caught one. He's not a comedian, but he went in on Tyler Perry a little. Know he came out, know he respected. Respected him. And Martin wanted to do a movie with him, you know what I'm saying? Martin wanted to take some time off first, and he had gave Martin his word, like, yo, go do your thing, and then when you get back, I'll be in your movie. Don't sweat it. And he was just like, man, I thought we was going to do something fun, you know what I'm saying? I thought we was gonna do some, like, detective stuff or something like that and bring the house down. And he said, martin pulled out big Mama house, too, and he was, you know, he wanted to cry because he was telling people about not having to wear a dress and stuff like that. And, I mean, there's a lot of people that look down on the dress situation, you know, saying, I get it. You know, saying, I get it. Men, comedians, and actors having to wear, you know, dresses has, like, long been a big topic, and it's definitely, like, something that need to be discussed, something that need to be talked about, and something that need to be addressed. And I think I may have a little solution here, you know what I'm saying? Or maybe, like, a happy medium or maybe, like, get a few people to maybe meet in the middle on this thing. And when I come back, I'm going to show you how. It's your boy slack, talk of the town. This week, Slack is taught classic films is none other than the movie John Q. Starring my man, Denzel Washington. This movie is a classic, man, because it's inspirational, man. It's a real feel good story, from what I understand. It's like actually based on the true man, you know? Denzel Washington, his son came down with a heart condition. And long story short, man, they didn't have enough money for the insurance to be able to treat his condition and everything. And they just like, they going through it, you know what I'm saying? Him and his wife, you know what I'm saying? They selling stuff. They turn in every corner, looking under every rock and just doing whatever they can, man, to save their son, you know what I'm saying? And even at one point, man, he decided to kidnap these people inside the hospital, you know what I'm saying? Until they get treatment for his son. And the story is so good and powerful, man, that the people that he kidnapped ended up having his back, you know what I'm saying? And wanting to make sure that his son was all right and making sure that he didn't face any charges and stuff like that. So if you ever looking for a good, feel good story, you know what I'm saying, something based on a true story, like Denzel Washington, like most of his movies are, you know what I'm saying? Based on true stories, you know what I mean? Like Malcolm X, you know what I'm saying, all that good stuff. But this is it, man. If you ever want like a feel good story, something realistic, you know what I'm saying? True to the heart, you know what I'm saying? Die hard, willing to do anything for family. Check it out, man. John Q. That's my slackest talk, classic film of the week. [00:48:01] Speaker B: You're now live and in the mix with film producer Jason Slack. [00:48:09] Speaker A: I'm back here on the talk of the town now. It's your boy. Slack is talk. And back to this dress situation, man, because it's been a topic for a long time. Here's the thing. Me personally, I'm not doing that, you know what I'm saying? I won't do that. That's just me. But I think the issue that people are having with it is that I'm not going to say all but a lot of the great actors and comedians that have done it well, I should say a lot of the actors that have made it to the big time and have become household names. Those people are usually the ones that have dressed up before. And it's so many people that became household names that did it now versus and then also, excuse me, there's people that made it big time that had to do it or they did it or whatever, versus there's a lot of talented people that didn't do it, and they're not quite at the height as the people who did. And I think that's what, you know what I'm saying? I'm going to take the word think out of it. I know that's the issue of it. You know what I'm saying? I know that's the issue of it. So in retrospect, it became, man, in order for you to make it out here, you got to dress like a woman, you know what I'm saying? That became the belief. Now, I think the way Cat Williams put it, and my man Spike Lee was the first one to really speak out against this, too with man. That was, that was hilarious. I think with Cat Williams, the way he put it was like, he's definitely not doing it, but he was kind of maybe a little bit acceptive of Martin Lawrence doing it in the beginning, but he felt, you know, you're now, you know, you're the man that's on bad, know, you're the man that makes this amount of money per film. You don't have to do that no more, you know what I'm saying? I think that's where Kat Williams was going with it, you know what I'm saying? And my suggestion, man, I say let's do this right. Let's try this. Let's make some male alter egos, you know what I'm saying? This is one of my things. You know how I do here on the slackest talk podcast, you know what I'm saying? You know how I like to switch it up and get my own thing, you know what I'm saying? But let's have some male alter egos. Let's have alter ego of yourself. Let Martin Lawrence. Martin Lawrence is how he is. Let Martin create another guy, you know what I'm saying? Like create a different version of yourself, like your body or whatever. Or it could be somebody different with a completely different personality, you know what I'm saying? Let's get two big name people, actors or comedians to do that. And then, you know what I'm saying? We could make a movie out of it, or it could just be an appearance, you know what I'm saying? Or something like that. And let's see how well that's received. Let's just change the narrative, you know what I'm saying? Let's put our creative minds together and create some male characters. And let's see what the response is to that. You know what I'm saying? Maybe that will kill it, maybe it won't. But it's a start. It's a try, you know what I'm saying? It's a, you know, getting back to Cat Williams, as I mentioned earlier, you know what I'm saying? A lot of people on his episode, I should say club Shayshe, his interview, a lot of people caught strays, man. People he appeared in movies with, mostly other comedians, and a lot going on, man. A lot of accusations, a lot of stealing, a lot of backdoor stuff happening. There's a lot of things that you wouldn't believe, man, and a lot of different people. But as always, on the slackest talk, man, there's some positive things to be had from this one thing. And I listened to him and I learned a lot about him, you know what I'm saying? I don't think I knew that he was homeless either. But how he took the chance at 13 and moved on his own away from his parents, that was a chance. I was a person that believed that he could make it, you know what I'm saying? And he did. He was actually homeless for a while. He moved to a different couple of cities, and he started his comedy there. I mentioned the big chance, the big chance that he took on Friday after next by speaking his mind when he didn't have no pool, when he didn't have no power. He wasn't a big name in the industry, and that was big. That was legendary. Standing up for what you believe in. If you don't believe that, it's right, you shouldn't do it. Regardless of the money or whatever, if you don't believe in it, it shouldn't be done. And he was homeless at that time, man. You know what I'm saying? According to him, he was homeless at the time. That was like a hell of a chance with that. That had to be something you really, really felt, that had to be really heartfelt for you to do that. And it worked in his favor. So that just goes to show you, like, you stick to what you believe in, things can happen for you anyway, you know what I'm saying? And if it didn't work out, it just wasn't meant to be. Maybe you can get it another way. But what impressed me was he was actually like a student of the game, you know what I'm saying? He's a student of what he does. His craft, is willing to write hours worth of material, not wanting to repeat the same thing, you know what I'm saying? That's hard work, and that's a lot of effort goes into that. I'm a writer, so I respect somebody who puts pen to paper and really gets down, you know what I'm saying, about the writing side of it. There's a lot of people that don't write their own stuff, and there's different opinions on that, too, you know what I'm saying? I've had some guests on the show and we've spoken about that, and it's kind of like 50 50. So that's probably another episode that we need to get into, you know what I'm saying? But I think long story short, and I don't want to give it away because we go do an episode. But you definitely get more respect as a writer, you know what I'm saying? You definitely get more money as a writer, and that's what it comes down to. He actually wrote the character. He just didn't have the part. Like he created the whole thing. That's different, you know what I'm saying? That's next level from the jump for that to be your first project, and people still remember that character to this day. That's legendary, you know what I'm saying? That was your first work. That was your first film. That's legendary, you know what I'm saying? That's legendary, man. That's how you do it. And I just want to say overall, man, shout out to cat Williams. Hilarious, dude. Hilarious, man. Hilarious. Hilarious. And he said so much, man. This interview was over 3 hours long, so I didn't cover everything. And if I missed out on any big points, man, please do reach out. I know I did. It's not coming to me right now. It's not. And you know what it is. Get at me on social media if I left anything out, and we can get into it that way. But the man, I'm not going to get into all the people that he spoke against. We have to wait and see what their response is, and that's going to tell the tape. It's all going to come down to who has receipts, you know what I'm saying? And who don't as far as that. But I respect them, man, for that Friday, for standing up what you believe in, convincing the production crew that should be taken out, which was the right call, you know what I'm saying? If that was the case, that was definitely the right call for not only, like, doing your part, man, but writing it coming up with the wardrobe from everything, with the hairstyle and everything, man, for your first time, you know what I'm saying? That's legendary. And people would never forget that role. People would never forget that role ever. As far as this new Friday movie that we've been talking about for years and now that cat Williams was supposed to write it, I like to stay on the positive side of things. I do. I'm a fan of it, man. I wanted to see it. I still want to see it, but I have to be proven wrong on this one, man. But I think the time has just passed by, you know what I'm saying? I think the time has passed by. As Cat mentioned, rest in peace, we lost John Witherspoon, like I said earlier, podcast, I always give him a big ups. That's one of my favorite comedians, favorite guys. That dude is just naturally funny in everything he do, man. Regardless, any movie, you're going to remember the part he had, you know what I'm saying? Any movie, any tv show, you're going to remember him. That's period. You know what I'm saying? If you don't want to be overshadowed, if you a guy that don't want to be overshadowed, don't hire him. You know what I mean? You do. The dude was hilarious. He passed away, so they don't have that. Debo, rest in peace, he passed away. They don't have that element of it. Also, Cat mentioned Chris Tucker caught astray. He talked about how Chris Tucker is now. He's not Smokey, which is true. So I don't know. I don't see you having that element, you know what I'm saying? He wasn't in the second or third one. Even if you do bring him back, I don't see he missed the last two. Like, what is his role going to be? You know what I'm saying? I don't see it. Cat and Fajon got some heat. I don't think they could be on the same, know that's big worm. His part was funny in the first one. Kat don't think so, man. But his part was funny in the first one. People like Nia Long and Regina King, I don't think they go do it, man. I just think they bigger than that, you know what I'm saying? I just know they believe that they're on another level and I don't see them in that. They missed the last two. So you know what I'm saying? Overall, man, I don't know if you could manage to pull them two in and find something decent for Chris Tucker that he would agree with. Maybe, but there's no Debo, there's no pops. I'm gonna have to be convinced on this one, man. I'm just gonna have to be convinced I'm not dead if it's still gonna happen. But Kat Williams, man, dude went off. Talented, dude. And I just can't wait to see what people response is going to be. And I know some of them are out. Believe, you know, Fajon already said something, and I'm waiting to hear from Cedric and think. I'm not sure, man. I don't think they're going to say anything, but I'm waiting to hear from Chris Tucker, and we just got to wait and see. But Cat went in, he said, and stood for what he believed in. But a new Friday movie, man, I just don't know. But I could be proven wrong. This has been the slackest talk podcast, aka the talking to town. Now, I'm your host, fem producer Jason Slack. And I know, you know, Kat said he wasn't doing this for clout and to sell tickets, and I believe him. But because of that interview, I guarantee that his tour will definitely sell out. Y'all be safe out there. Next week, we doing it. Martin Luther King week. Be ready. Be ready to represent the man, man, and show your respects. You know, it's that time of the year. We do it all the time, man. MLK next week. Y'all be safe, and I'll see you. Next week we doing MLK. Peace.

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