When your lady tells you about another man

Episode 127 March 15, 2024 00:56:42
When your lady tells you about another man
Slack isTalk
When your lady tells you about another man

Mar 15 2024 | 00:56:42


Hosted By

jason slack

Show Notes

Slack talks about what it really means when a lady tells you that another mantried to talk to her.

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: And now it's the time you've been waiting for. You're in the mix with film producer Jason Slack, aka the Talk of the town. Now, the 40 Vision films man himself, the owner of the Jason Slack brand. The place to be is here on the Vision live network. And now, let's get it in. Welcome to the Slackest Talk pod cast. Welcome to the slackest Talk podcast, aka the talk of the time. Now, I'm your host, film producer Jason Slack, and this is season number four. And on today's show, we got an episode you do not want to miss. So without a doubt, let's get it in. [00:00:50] Speaker B: Welcome to the Vision Live Network. You are now tuned in to the Slack is Talk podcast hosted by film producer Jason Slack and presented by the Vision Live Network. The Vision Live Network is the home of a number of today's popular podcast. Since you are already a fan, you might as well subscribe. Visit www.visionlivenetwork.com, go to the slackest Talk podcast, then click the subscribe button. That's it. It's that simple. The show will be delivered to your device every time there is a new episode. Now you can hear all the talk from the 40 Vision man himself. Thanks for tuning in to the Vision live network where you can experience our vision live. 40 Vision Films and Godstar Productions are two proud sponsors of the Vision Live Network, working together to bring us the best listening experience possible. 40 Vision Films and Godstar Productions, two marquee names in our industry today. For more information, visit fortyvisionfilms.com. [00:01:51] Speaker A: And welcome to another epic edition of the Talk of the Town. Now, I'm your host, film producer, Jason Slack, and today is Thursday, March 14, 2024. As always, man, it's good to be back here on the slackest Talk podcast, being able to do another epic edition here on Slackest Talk, the talk of the town now. And I just want to say, man, shout out to all my listeners, man, all my day one listeners, to even my new listeners, man, even if it's your first time listening, you know what I'm saying? I appreciate it. Y'all already know what it is. It's all love. Y'all could have been anywhere in the world, but y'all right here with me. I appreciate, you know, there's so many things that go on on so many, so many good places y'all could be at. But y'all right here on the slackest talk podcast, man. I appreciate that. And I'm gonna keep telling y'all that each and every time today's episode is brought to you by none other than the vision for kids organization founded by me and my partner, Celeste Howard. Vision for kids has been in operation for many years now, and I started this organization with the idea of let's make sure that every kid has a vision. And that vision could mean a number of different things. It could be educational, it could be recreational, it could be something in the household. Basically, like whatever kid is lacking, or we see a kid that needs help in any kind of field, we try to help them out. We put them on the right path in most cases, man, in many cases, if nothing else, we try to bring awareness of all the greatness like kids have to offer, including birthday shout outs, any achievements, any awards that they get, we want the world to know about it. So if you or anybody know someone, preferably a kid that has an accomplishment, an award, a birthday, anything, and you want them to receive love and you want the world to know about it, email me at slackest [email protected] or just hit me up on one of my social media pages and we'll make it happen. Vision for kids every kid has a vision. I want to stop and give a special birthday shout out to my sister Debbie, who celebrated her birthday this past Monday. I know you did it big. I know you hit the casinos up. You know what I'm saying? Y'all cast your chips in. Y'all doing it big. Just don't spend everything in the same place. But overall, you know, make sure you celebrate your birthday all month long. You deserved it, you earned it, and it's your time. Happy birthday, Deb. And while we're on the subject of birthdays, I made the announcement before. Usually in the past, I just reserved this for my vision for kids organization. And we still do that. But I got a lot of feedback, a lot of requests. A lot of people wanted to send their birthdays in. So out of this, a reminder, if you got a birthday coming up or you know somebody that do, email me or hit me up on social media so we can get you in so we can celebrate, you know what I'm saying? Give you a shout out, make an announcement, show you some love here on the stocks talk podcast. That's what we do. We bring awareness to great things, and we consider everybody's birthday being one of them. So just hit us up and we'll get you in. And it is definitely birthday season, man, from this week on all the way to, I believe, like the end of April. It's somebody's birthday every week, you know what I'm saying? So it's definitely birthday season, man. So if you know somebody, like, let's get it in. Now, this week's billion dollar quote is none other than the greatest boxer in the entire world, the greatest boxer to ever live, and his name is Muhammad Ali. It's hard to be humble when you're as great as I am. Now, when we talk about quotes, man, I could do one every week just on Muhammad Ali alone, man. I don't have many regrets in life, man. But one of the things that I wish that I was, like, I wish I could witness his career as it was happening, man. You're talking about a dude that was so entertaining. And he'll back it up, too, man. He'll tell you which round he go beat you in and how you go do it. I just only imagine, you know what I'm saying? One of those things where I just know about him, like, do research and stuff like that. But, yeah, man, the greatest fighter in the world, even though I never got a chance to see him live. You know what I'm saying? But back to the quote. I think what the quote symbolizes is everybody should think that they're the best. Everybody should believe that they're the best. And it goes back to something I said before. You just got to have confidence in yourself. You got to have confidence. You got to believe that when you step in the room, like everybody there to see you, you know what I'm saying? All eyes should be on you. Don't be humble about it. At the same time, you don't want to be in people's faces and rubbing people the wrong way. But you got to have that confidence, that aura about you that you're the best. And when you have that, it's, like, hard to stay humble. You know what I'm saying? Because you want to share it with the world. You know what I'm saying? You excited about it, you happy about it, and you feel like everybody else should be happy about it, too. So that's our billion dollar quote for my man, the greatest boxer in the world, Muhammad Ali. Now, one of the things that I always do in the beginning is I thank you all for being here, you know what I'm saying? Because you all could have been anywhere in the world, and I mean that. You know what I'm saying? This week, I especially thank you all for being here, because earlier today, man, a little tough day, you know what I'm saying? I went to my man Kenny G funeral, who I did an episode on last week. Thank you all for tuning in. I got a lot of love, a lot of feedback on that episode, you know what I'm saying? And rightfully so, but I'm trying to remain upbeat, you know what I'm saying? I know you all go help me get through this episode like you always do. And I just want to say prayers to his family and stuff like that. It's not easy, you know what I'm saying? Regardless of what friend or what relative it is or regardless of whether you knew or not, these things are not, you know what I'm saying? They're never easy. It's always hard, you know what I'm saying? And we got to pray as we keep pushing along. But I just want to say much love, Kitty G. Again, man. Nothing but love, man, you know what I'm saying? From day one, and it's still going to be like that forever, man. I'm going to keep it alive, you know what I'm saying? And our prayers go out to the entire family, you know what I'm saying? Now, for today's episode, I wanted to choose something that's serious but also, like, something fun, you know what? This one, I had this one in the vault for a while now. We had to do black History Month, and we honor Dr. Martin Luther King. You know what I'm saying? I went on break. I'm on break in the month of December. So I had this one, like, in the vault for a know. And actually, this is like a question, so to speak. And a lot of people ask this, you know what I'm saying? I've seen it, like, floating around a whole lot. It's very interesting. It's serious, but it's, like, entertaining at the same time. And it also has a lot of twists and turns to it. And it's dealing with relationships. You know what I'm saying? It's dealing with relationships. It's dealing with marriage. And it's been, like a little while, I think, since we got into something dealing with this topic. So I feel like, you know what I'm saying, a good change of pace a little bit, you know what I mean? After me being at a funeral earlier, I think this was a good change of pace. And this is something that I wanted to do. And this one basically started off as a question, and it kind of evolved on social media. And the question is, what do you think about a woman that would actually go back and tell her, man, if another guy was trying to talk to her or if a guy was trying to sleep with her and things of that nature. Like, what do you think about a woman that does that, that actually goes back and tells her, man. Now, I'm going to start off with the obvious answer first before we get to all the twists and turns and the add ons and stuff like that, because there's plenty of them. So the short answer in a perfect world would be if you're married or you're in a relationship and, I don't know, let's say a perfect world, right? Let's say you've been together for a long time or you've been married for a while, you've been together, you got kids, you got a house, everything's intact. Everything is good. Relationship good. You got the kids, the house, you all work, you got businesses, all that good stuff. Everything is intact, right? And we just doing a perfect world. And y'all relationship inside your relationship, y'all pretty much open with each other. You all tell each other everything. And basically your marriage or relationship is built off of that. So basically, if a guy approached her and thought she looked good or whatever, and of course, by her being married or her relationship or whatever, she shot it down. So she feels like just to have a conversation, she goes, hey, I met this guy today. He approached me. He tries to talk to me. He tries to take me out to dinner, blah, blah, blah, blah. I told him I was married. I don't really see nothing wrong with that, per se. Like I said, that happens both ways. And you both just keep it 100 with each other. And it always been like that. And like I said, the relationship is good. There's no issues. Cool. Now, the first twist in this question. The first twist. The first twist, right? And believe me, I have plenty of them. I have plenty of them. You know I got them, man. It's your boy, man, to talk of town. Now, it wouldn't be right if I just answer the question and that's it. You know what I mean? It wouldn't be a real show. I got to have twists and turns to it, man. I'm a producer. I'm a film producer. This is what I do. Now, the first twist, right, that the guy. And this has happened before. I'm not making this up. I'm not just creating anything or nothing like that. I'm telling you, like, situations that I have seen before, like, for sure definitely happened. Now, there's been times where the woman did that, and in turn, the woman might have been telling the truth. Like, she just said it. Like a guy approached her and he started talking. He wanted to take out the dinner or he wanted to do this, and she shot it down. She told him, yo, I was married or I was in a relationship. All that. Tell them the truth. But sometimes in the back of your mind, sometimes you can know something. You can have the mindset of, okay, I know this is happening. I know that's going down. I know this is happening or whatever, but you never see it. Let me be more specific to you. Let me be more specific with you. My bad. So if you're in a relationship, right, if a guy is in a relationship and it's his girl or his wife, right, obviously you think your wife or your girl looks good, right? You should think that she the best ever. If that's your girl, like, man, you should probably think, man, she's the best looking woman in the world, right? In saying that and in digging that, you also feel like because she looks so good and because she's the best looking woman in the world, man, I can imagine plenty of guys holler at her every day. I already know people going to try her. You know what I'm saying? I know that off top, I'm prepared for that. You know what I'm saying? I'm all right with that because I know my girl or my wife look good. You know what I'm saying? A lot of people had that attitude, dog. I know you look good, and I know people go holl at you, but something changes sometimes when it actually does happen, you could know something and you can feel a certain way and everything is fine, but when that something actually happens, it could take a turn now, because she doesn't came to you and told you that this guy tried to talk to her. What ends up happening is you're wondering, and you're starting to double think yourself. You're starting to wonder, why does she tell you that? Why is it really the truth? Did it really happen that way? Here's the term. Or is she telling me that because somebody that I know, somebody that I may or may not know, seen her talking to this guy and she tried to tell me what happened before. She figured somebody else do. She might have been not telling the truth after all. Like, she might have been kicking it with this guy or talking to him and somebody that we know seen it, and she's just beating that person to the punch. She's just telling me this before I hear it for somebody else. That has happened before, man, the games that people play, man, there's something that you got to consider now. After you get that idea, the question that's going to follow is, do you know this guy? Where did you see him at? Do you all work together? Or where do you know him from? Or something like that. Now, if this is just a random guy that she just happened to walk into, or they saw each other in the workplace or the street or out and about or something like that, that might put your mind at ease. That may. But there's always a but. If this is somebody that she works around or somebody that she don't have to know them, but maybe they work closely around each other or there's some kind of possibility that they could run into each other or see each other on a regular, that's going to be a problem. Because if she sees this person, or this person is kind of like, kind of like close in the atmosphere that's going to rent space in your mind each and every day because you're going to wonder, like, is this real or not? And what's really going on? Now, when I return here on the slackest talk podcast, I'm going to talk to you about a specific detail that was left out of the equation. Now, when I tell you this detail, it may turn this whole question upside down. Believe me, you don't want to miss what I'm about to say. Keep it locked. It's the talk of the town. Now. What's up, slackest talk community? We back yet again with another slackest talk question of the week. So let's get it. This one is kind of a simple question. Who is the better singer? You got neo Chris Brown, Trey songs, and a very, very underrated pawn. Now, this list, all great singers, man. All great, man. You got Chris Brown doing his thing, man. You know what I'm saying? Like trying to follow on Michael Jackson footsteps, you know what I'm saying? That was his know, growing up, you know what I'm saying? Represent Virginia. You got Trey Songz, who's been quiet lately, man. You know what I'm saying? Who's also representing Virginia. But he had a little run for a minute, avant, man. He'd been doing his thing for a minute for a while. You know what I'm saying? You could even say he old school, man. He go back to the, remember he signed under Magic Johnson and then you got a man neo. You know what I'm saying? Now for me, you know what I'm saying? Like Chris Brown so far, I could say has the better career out of the four, you know what I'm saying? Like, by far, he's probably the most popular. He probably sold the most records out of the four. I haven't did my research, but for me on this one, the answer is Neo. You know what, I just. No disrespect to Chris Brown, and neither nor the other two, but I like Neo's music. It kind of hit close to home. I also like the fact that he writes for a lot of others. And he actually started in the game as a writer and then later on became a singer, you know what I'm saying? As you know, man, I'm a writer. I'll write songs, I write movies, but writing is where it's at, you know what I'm saying? That's where the money at. That's the check, you know what I'm saying? And he's just responsible, even though he's not singing, but he's responsible for a lot of other songs, you know what I'm saying? And part of you can't be a singer without a song, you know what I'm saying? I know the question is, who's the best singer? Not the best writer, but you got to have a song to sing, you know what I'm saying? So I'm going with Neo on that one. And for the Wednesday night versus battle, we talking about two female legends who, like, in my opinion, started hip hop. Two of the originators of female rap. They made it what it is today. We got Queen Latifah versus Mc light. Like I said before, two legends, not to take away none from neither one of them, but for me, man, it was Mc life. She had that hardcore style, you know what I mean? Straight out from Brooklyn. When I heard the song roughneck, man, that was it, you know what I'm saying? It was on after of. To me, she kind of took it to another level, you know what I'm saying? Queen Latifah represented and did what she did, but Mc light kind of like set the stage of she could battle some dudes, you know what I'm saying? She was like the first. So I got to go Mc light on that one. That's the conclusion of this week, slackest talk social media portion of the show. Thank you all for sending in your questions. Thank you all for participating on social media. And as always, man, keep it coming. You know what the most important thing about building a brand is deciding who handles all your web development and marketing needs. Visionworks is the one stop shop for all your business needs. The team at Visionworks provides all services like logos, website design, hosting, emails service, and much more. You can even buy everything you need from their store. Just go to visionlivehosting.com and choose from thousands of business products and plans. Start today and thank me later. [00:25:21] Speaker B: Keep listening to the slackest talk podcast, new episodes you don't want to miss. [00:25:29] Speaker A: And we back here on the slackest Talk podcast. Thank you all for listening to the slackest talk question of the week and also the Wednesday night versus battle. I appreciate you all for leaving your questions and participating in that online. You know what I'm saying? I really enjoy that. I look forward to that. And we back here on the talk of the town now where we talking about relationships? We getting in deep with it, think it's been a while. We talk relationships, man. I wanted to switch it up. And before we left out, we were talking, how do you feel about a woman who tells her man, her husband or her boyfriend when another man tries to holler at her or wants to take out the dinner or something like that? Now, on the surface, you know what I'm saying? It sounds good. It sounds innocent, you know what I'm saying? You got a woman that's being straight with you. She's telling you what's going on, she's telling you what's happening, and she's letting you know that she's not participating in it. And she's all about you and things of that nature. Sounds good, right? And here on the slackest talk podcast, I just want you to keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open, keep your ears to the streets. And I'm just giving you a different way to look at it. Hopefully this doesn't upset people, but I'm just giving you some different ways of looking at it and also some add ons and some possibilities, you know what I'm saying? And trying to see how you all feel about it. Now, in the first segment, as always, I gave you all the light version, you know what I'm saying? I was nice in the beginning, like I always do. I try to start off like nice and then gradually apply pressure as we go along, you know what I'm saying? I get deeper into it as the episode goes along. I gave you the nice part of it. Everything was good. Everything is okay. And then I gave you a small what if at the end, like, what if somebody seen the guy talking to her? She told you that to beat the person to the punch because she didn't want to be found out about. I gave you that possibility. Right? Now I'm getting ready to go in. You know what I'm saying I'm getting ready to go. In this whole atmosphere, this whole question might take a big turn because there was one specific detail that was left out in the beginning. One specific detail that was left out. And you know what they say, right? One little small detail could flip the whole thing. It could change the whole narrative. And that's what this is about to do right now. The question is, how do you feel about a woman who tells her man or a husband when a guy tries to talk to her or wants to take her out or shows any interest in her at all? Right? If any guy other than her man shows any interest or wants to take her out or tries to start a relationship, she's going to a man and she's telling him, right? That was the issue. That's the thing we're talking about now. What was left out in the beginning is the woman that's in a relationship, right? This woman that's in a relationship that's telling on the people that's trying to talk to her right now. Get this, this woman's man or not the guy that's trying to talk to her, not the people that be, not the guys that's trying to holl at her, her man, her actual man or her husband is cheating on her, right? He's cheating on her. He has been cheating on her for years, probably the whole time. There's been multiple other females, the whole nine, right? And this is a true story, you know what I'm saying? There's no other babies outside of relationship or nothing like that, but multiple females. He's been doing it like damn near the whole time. She even knows who the other females are. The dude got caught in the act. Everything, you know what I'm saying is out there. It's out there to the public. Everybody knows about this. Like, the man is actually cheating on her, right? I'm going to stop it right there before I even get into it, man. I always keep it real here on the slackest talk podcast, and this is like nothing different, man. I always come to you straight, and this is nothing different. If you cheating on your woman, right? And she knows about it, man, she might stay with you. Y'all might stay married. Y'all might stay in a relationship. Y'all might have kids after that. Y'all might still be having sex after that. All that good stuff. Y'all hang together. Y'all go to reunions, the whole nine. I'm here to tell you, man, like, regardless of what she's showing you, she does not like, the idea that you cheating on her, man, don't buy it, man. Like, please do not buy it. Like I said, she could stay married to you. Y'all can have kids after that. Y'all still having sex. Y'all still hanging together. She may appear to be nice to you and still. And all that good stuff, and you might think, yo, she's okay with it, or we got over it. She did not, man. She does not like that, man. She does not. So I'm going to make a bold statement, and this goes back to something that I said or mentioned in the beginning. Remember in the beginning, I said that your woman, your wife or your woman, not. You know what I'm saying? Your wife or your woman, you're supposed to think that she's the best, right? She looks the best. All that good stuff. Body, whatever. All that good stuff. Like, she's the best, right? So a bold statement, and it's not that bold. It's just, like, common sense. If she's really the best, in your mind and you have been telling her this, and God forbid, if she already believes that herself, if she believes that she's the best and you've been telling her that there's no scenario in life that she's really going to be all right with being second to somebody else or one A and one b, she can go along with it, dude, and do all that good stuff, man. And you all can still be in a relationship and everything, man. But it bothers her, man. Like, she's not with it. I'm just here to tell you that's a hot take or whatever you want to call it. But I'm just here to tell you now that I got that part out the way. Let's get right to this twist, to this turn of you actually cheating on her, right? Here's the problem. Here's the problem, right? So let me walk you through it. So she knows that you're cheating on her, right? She knows it. Multiple women. She knows who they are. She knows who some of them are. The world knows it. Everything, right? Everything, right? And remember, you told this woman she's the best in the world, and she already thinks that about herself or believes that to be true. Right? Which everybody should think they're the best. We talked about that earlier. My man, Muhammad Ali. You know what I mean? You see how I did that? That comes back in play. So despite the fact that you're cheating on her, she comes back and she tells you, whenever there's a guy that tries to talk to her, right. She comes back and she tells you about this, right? Yo, so and so tried to talk to me, or this dude wanted to take me out to dinner, or this dude tried to do this, right? She tells you about it. That was the question. She tells you, right. So, because she's telling you this, right, that makes you kind of feel like you're invincible. Like you walking on water. You might say things like, man, I got a real one. She loyal to me, man. She tell me what's going on. She don't play no games. She can't be doing that, man. Because every time something happened, whatever, she come back to me with it, right? I know I ain't got nothing to worry about. You know what I'm saying? How many women do that? How many females do that? Well, if you feel that way, you write. But I have to tell you that you only halfway, right. You're only 50% right on this one. And I know what you mean. I know what you're saying. What do you mean 50%? What do you mean, half? How is somebody half right? It's either they right or they're wrong. Not necessarily. See, what's taking place here is that she already knows that you cheating, right? She already knows how she looks and she already thinks that she's the best. And you've been telling her that she's the best. And there's been guys that's trying to holl at her, right? All this stuff put together and she comes in and tells you about these guys, right? Which is true. And that's a good thing that she tells you. She probably telling the truth. But there's one detail that's left out of it. There's one specific detail that you don't know, but I don't see how you don't know it because it's obvious and it's plain and simple. Now I'm going to say it again. It's true. Whenever a guy comes and talks to her, tries anything with her, she comes back and she tells you that's true. But the thing is, she's only telling you about the God that she's not interested in. Think about that for a second. Think about that for a second, right. If you don't like somebody or you don't find them attractive or they don't look good to you, right. You don't have no intentions of doing anything with that person anyway, right. You're not going to have a relationship with that person. They can't do nothing with you. So it's basically like yeah, I could tell my man about this because I don't like dude anyway. You know what I mean? So I give him that. All these people, all these situations that she told you about is making you think, oh, I got a real one. She would never do that to me. She keep it real. She tell me what's going on. I ain't got nothing to worry about. Long story short, you're getting the ones that she don't like, she has no intentions of doing anything with. And then when she does actually meet somebody that she do like, it's open season, partner, you would never know it because you already think that she tells you everything and you're open. She already got that battle. And then it goes back to something that I said earlier, right? You're cheating, and she knows about it. You know what I'm saying? So you all still cool or whatever? She's still with you. She's still appearing to be cool. Everything is still going right, and you just in La la land because you think she accepting this and you think it's something dealing with you and you making this work, and she might not have another option or she just wouldn't do that. You thinking all that. And actually, in all actuality, it's none of that. The actual truth is you looking like a fool because everybody know what you're doing. And her, on the other hand, she getting hugs right under your nose, and nobody knows nothing, including yourself. That's gangster. That's gangster. Now, I want to take a final commercial break, but when I come back, I want to talk to you about how a situation like that looks to the public versus what's really going on in the situation. For real? For real. It's getting good. Y'all stay tuned. Make sure you come back. This week's throwback Thursday classic film of the week is a movie called Hustle and Flow starring Terrence Howard, Taraji P. Henson. That's right, man. My girl Taraji, you know, I did a show on her a couple weeks ago, and here he is again talking about one of her movies. Here we are talking about her again in one of her movies. This movie is classic, man. It's about Terrence Howard. You know what I'm saying? Street dude trying to become a rapper in Atlanta. You know what I'm saying? Trying to make it. Trying to make something of itself. Grinding, you know what I'm saying? Trying to put the work in it kind of like, exposes some of the stuff that you have, know, some of the things that you have to do to make it as an artist in the industry also, I think it was my man, ludicrous first starring role, too, man. You know what I'm saying? Like the first film, he actually had a big role in shout out to him, you know what I'm saying? That's one of my favorite artists, man. You know what I mean? Luda been doing his thing. But this movie, even though it's a film, it kind of like put Atlanta and the south on the map. I remember when this movie came out, people in the south were going crazy about it and it seemed like it took the southern music to another level in a sense. You know what I mean? But this week's throwback Thursday classic film is a movie called Hustle and Flow, man. If you haven't already, go and check it out. As always, man, Taraji does a thing. Check it out. Hustle and flow throwback Thursday classic film. Your boy Watts. If you're not tuning into slackers talk podcast, you need to tune in Thursdays at 09:00 p.m. Let's go. What's up, slackers talk community. Thank you all for keeping it locked. We'll be here on the talk of the town. Now we talking relationships. Relationships. And where we left off, man, was a crazy twist. We talking about what would you think if your woman tells you if a guy was trying to holl at her or wanted to start a relationship or wanted to take her out or something like that, whatever, and she goes back and she tells her boyfriend or her husband, what would you think? That was the question. And then last segment we left off, a very crazy detail was left out was the fact that her husband or boyfriend was actually cheating on her and she knew about it the whole time and the public knew about it. And because she knew about this cheating and of course she being mad about it, she was only telling her boyfriend about the guys that she wasn't interested in. But anybody that might have came to do the fold that she liked, it was open season and he would never know because he think he has a real one. She keeps it real with him and blase, blase, blah. Now let's jump right back into it. So now you was cheating on her the whole time. She knows about it. She even know details and stuff like that, right? So she stayed with you. You're still married, you're still together and everything, and you're getting along and everything seems to be going good. So you think no complaints on her end. She's still in it. She's loyal, she's been telling you about guys trying to talk to her. So you think. And she does. She does tell you about that, but she only tells you half of the story. She doesn't tell you about the guys that she actually do like because the guys that she actually do like, she entertains them because she likes them. One and two. She knows that you have others now in the public. Anybody that knows about this relationship or arrangement you got, everybody's going to think that the guy's the cheater. That's what they see. Like, he got multiple women. She knows about it. She must be going through it. She must be pulling stressed out, pulling the hair out and you're just dragging her through the mud and everything. And she's a victim. She's a victim. Like you're doing her wrong. It's mad disrespectful. All that good stuff, man. All that good stuff. This is what everybody's going to say. This is what everybody's going to think. And cheating is wrong. You know what I'm saying? It's wrong. It definitely is right. And because you're cheating and she knows about it, you feel guilty about it. You know what I'm saying? You feel guilty about it. Now, if you crazy and you bold, you might still be out there doing what you do. You know what I'm saying? You're probably still out there. But because you know, she knows about it and more importantly, the public and everybody else knows about it and you figure people talking to her about it and the embarrassment of it all, you're going to feel like guilty about it. You're going to feel like a certain way about it. Even though you might still be doing dirt, you probably do stuff like, say in the beginning you used to buy her. I'm just like putting a number on it. Let's say like $100 worth of stuff. I know, cheap price. Cheap price. I'm just putting a number on it. But let's say you buy her like $100 worth of stuff. So now you probably do like 600 just to figure like you're keeping her happy, you're making that extra effort. Like you doing this, you're doing that, still going to be doing dirt. But because she's on you and she's embarrassed, you're doing things that you're going out your way and basically trying to put the fire out, man. Like trying to be that calm before the storm and all that kind of, that kind of talk, you know what I'm saying? Right? Because she's a victim. Like she's embarrassed and all that. So you're doing this, you're doing that, and she's playing along like, she's going along with it. She's accepting your gifts, she's pissed. She's playing a part and everything. And this is what people feel like is happening in the public, but in reality, she's playing the victim. And don't get me wrong, she is. She might only be doing this because you're doing what you do, you know what I'm saying? But little do you know, she's not telling you about all the guys that come through the pipeline, man. You know what I'm saying? It could possibly be that she's only still in a relationship with you because she got others, you know what I'm saying? It doesn't really hurt as much. I'm not going to ever say, like, she don't care about you having others at all. I'm not going to say that. Because if you're in a relationship or you're married, it got to be something that she. I'm not going to say she don't love you or she don't care at all. She got to have some type of feeling, you know what I mean? If you're in a relationship or married or whatever, especially marriage, you know what I'm saying? But I can say it hurts a lot less now that she got some extra activities going on, you know what I'm saying? But you don't know nothing about this, man. And she's just playing it up, you know what I'm saying? All the people on the outside looking in, they only know about what you're doing, dog. They don't know nothing about what she got going on, man. Nothing at all. So now things change, right? Things change, right? As time go on, the more and more you do something and time goes on, right? The more sloppy you get with it, right? The more open you get with it, the more comfortable you get. And the more comfortable you get. That's when you get discovered. You get found out about. So now maybe she gets comfortable with this, you know what I'm saying? Maybe she does this for a while. Maybe she does it for a while. And maybe even maybe she gets to the point where she don't care anymore. She's like, yo, you're doing your thing, man. This is what it is. I'm doing mine in some type of way, shape, form, or fashion. Maybe one day you get smart and you figured out that she got something going on. Maybe you find out about her, right? You know, like, with the first thing after you find out she's cheating, however you take that, you know what I'm saying? If you find out that she's cheating, it's like two different ways. You could take it. You could possibly take that. You can get mad and pissed and completely act like you're not cheating and this is something that she just did to you, and you could be hurt and just ignore what's really going on and stuff like that. You can go that route or you can go, man. And this second one is like the most popular one out of the two. The second one is the one that happens a whole lot. The second one, you can go, man. I don't messed up, man. She was a good woman. I didn't turn into this. She's only messing with him because I'm out here doing this and blah, blah, blah, blah. Basically, you take the blame for it again, like something we talked about before. You feel guilty. You felt guilty the whole time. Even though you're still out here doing what you do, you still got feelings for her, man. You're still in a relationship, right? So you don't necessarily, in a perfect world, you would like to be able to do what you're doing, but at the same time, you don't want her to be embarrassed. You would like for people not to know about it if you can have your way, you know what I'm saying? That's what it's all about. But you don't want her to be hurt. You don't want her to be embarrassed. You know what I'm saying? I know it sounds crazy. You're cheating, but it sounds crazy. Can't have both, you know what I'm saying? But that's what it is. Ultimately, at the end of the day, that's what it is. That's what the plan is, right? So you find out she's doing her thing and you feel guilty. You feel like it's your fault, like you've been cheating, you've been bringing drama into the fold. You knew her, like, before you got in, she was this way. Now you see, you're looking at her and she's doing things that you would never imagine and things like that. All kind of things, right? All kind of things. There's a bunch of guilt and you taking the fall for everything, and you wish everything could go back to normal, blase, blase, blah, all that good stuff, right? And you do this, you say all these things, and you almost give her no blame for her role in having somebody else, right? That's what normally happens, right? Like, you give all the blame to yourself because of what you've been doing, and you completely like and know a hustle of it. And you know what? It's a possibility. Some people do that. It's called get back. You know what I'm saying? It's called revenge. Some people are big on that. Like, you did something to me, so I got to do something to you. I myself really don't believe in that because you should never shy away from who you are. You should never let nobody get you out of your element, you know what I'm saying? You should probably just leave the person alone, you know what I'm saying? But some people do that, you know what I'm saying? And getting back to the point, yo, it's a possibility. Some people do that because they got done wrong. They go out to do wrong. But I got to tell you this on the slackest Talk podcast, it wouldn't be me if I didn't. I have to go out and I have to end this with a bang. Now, if she's doing this for revenge, that's one thing you could blame yourself for. Sure. But you got to remember, dog, you all been together for X and X amount of years or whatever, or you all been married for X amount of time or something like that, and you might not have been cheating when you first got married, you know what I'm saying? It might have been down the line. It might have been a year after you all got together, you know what I'm saying? Or so on, right? Or some months or something like that. But it's something on the other end that you have to remember, right? Remember you thought that she's been keeping it real with you the whole time she's been telling you about the guys that's trying to talk to her the whole time. And when you started cheating, in turn, she started cheating, right? You took the blame for the whole thing. And I want you to listen to me good. If you don't listen to me, you're going to miss it. You have to listen to this carefully. The whole time y'all was together, I'm going to repeat it so you can catch this. The whole time that y'all have been together, from the very beginning, the whole time that you have been together, she's been telling you about the guys that she don't like, but the whole time that you all was together, she was never telling you the guys that she do like, meaning there were guys there that she did like. Way before you started cheating, which would mean, in all actuality, she started cheating first. This has been a slackest talk podcast, aka the talk of the town. Now, I'm your host, film producer, Jason Slack, and I just wanted to give y'all something to think about. There's a lot of good people out here, you know what I'm saying? Don't be fooled. Y'all be safe. Y'all keep doing y'all thing, and we'll be back again to talk next week. Peace, peas. Bye.

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